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Animals As Leaders: Heavy Heavy Sh*t That Will Blow Your Mind

21 Oct

If you’re ever in the mood to have two 8-string guitarists and a drummer make you feel like your face is imploding due to the sheer bad-assery of their skills, then take a listen to Animals as Leaders.

I say that jokingly, but in all seriousness this band puts me in awe.  I got the chance to see them when they were on tour opening for Circa Survive last spring and they completely blew me away.  And I’m not even a huge fan of instrumental music (or even metal for that matter), but there’s just something about this group…I think its that each song is not only ridiculously technical and keeps you guessing, but is also so damn heavy and infectious.

A little background: Animals as Leaders was started by lead guitarist Tosin Abasi 2007 as a solo project.  The first album Animals as Leaders was recorded almost entirely by Abasi himself alongside programmed drums.  Since then, guitarist Javier Reyes and drummer Navene Koperweis have joined the line-up and the band has toured extensively over the past couple years.

Enough boring band info.  What you DO need to know however is that the new Animals as Leaders album Weightless is going to be released on November 8th, 2011.  Below is a video for “Isolated Incidents” off the new record and below that is “CAFO” off of the self-titled album.
